Services for Faith-Based Organizations

In 2001, our company was born from a passion for serving the faith-based community. What started as a pre-mature foray into building a social media network for churches became the beginnings of one of the first and oldest brands for church and ministry websites, the NetMinistry Website Program. Thousands of churches and ministries have been served through the various versions of our services, and today we continue to serve our original purpose through the 3nity Web Presence Management Platform.

NetMinistry Website Program

The concept is simple – an inexpensive, yet custom website built by a team of experts, not AI, computers, or website template systems. Each church and ministry who joins our program receives world-class website design, development, and support services for the lowest price in the world. Each organization is also provided with the full resources of our platform to manage and grow their ministry. Our team talks with you to support and advise you every step of the way, even providing levels of service that include full management of your website. Let us help you build, advance, and market your ministry web presence like never before.

Other Church & Ministry Brands

We also serve our faith-based community through several other brands, all provided through our world-class platform, professional services, and passionate team. These brands serve as different entry points to our unified solution, allowing expand our core offering while serving the various needs of our client base.